Weekly thoughts, 13th February 2023

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Things that I've been thinking about this week.

1. Going Freelance

If I’m honest, this has been bouncing around my head for several weeks. It’s taken a few discussions, a couple of opportunities and a coaching session to make me realise that working for myself is the right thing to do. I’ve already shared a more in-depth post, Taking ownership of my own path by going freelance, if you’re interested.

2. Bian Eno

I finally get it. It’s taken me a long time to understand and appreciate the music produced by Bian Eno, but I now appreciate the beauty in them. These soundscapes, there’s no other way that I can describe them, are great to play in the background while concentrating on thinking work. If you’re curious, the This is Brian Eno playlist on Spotify is a great starting point.

3. Six Nations

I’m not a ball sports fan, preferring my sports to include wheels of some description. Curiously though, there’s something about international rugby that I enjoy, especially the Six Nations. It’s the biggest rugby tournament in the northern hemisphere and takes place annually between the top rugby union-playing countries in Europe.

4. The Joy of Painting

Asked what I’d spend my time doing if I didn’t have bills to pay, I have often replied, paint and cycle. My recent pause afforded me the time to indulge in both these activities. After a 30-day painting challenge last November, I put down my brushes. Forcing myself to paint daily took the joy and creativity out of painting. Over the last week, I’ve started working on three small pieces simultaneously. With no pressure, I can enjoy the process of creating new pieces. I’ve realised that for me, the process is more important than the outcome.

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