Judging books by their covers… January 2025

It's been a while since I compiled a selection of publication covers that caught my eye. Now that we're into 2025, I feel that it might be a good time to restart the habit. My love for cover designs goes back to my college days and years in publishing. I haven't designed a commercial publication cover for quite a while, and I'd like to change that this year.

I’m catching up this month, so some of the covers may be from the end of last year. To start 2025, here is a healthy mix of fiction and nonfiction titles, along with a couple of magazine covers, that have caught my eye.

This is a subjective list based purely on what I like visually. In most cases, I have yet to read or buy these publications, and they may not be freshly published. I’ve tried to credit the designer, illustrator, or photographer where the information is available. If I’ve missed a credit and you can help me correct it, I’d be grateful if you could send me a message.

This month’s list includes

To read my thoughts on books I have read, head over to my Reading List.

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