1. Time: Management
This freelance gig is great, but I need to get better at organising my time. I’ve always managed my time well, but I must block out days for each project. The odd call or message triggers the ‘must deal with that now’ part of my brain. I’m then distracted from my original task. I’m only a few weeks in and still need to find my flow. It will come in time. Some questions I need to consider.
Am I wrongly assuming what needs to be done now that may not need to be?
What are the chunkiest things taking up my time? Can I break them done into small tasks?
What things leave me drained and affect my productivity?
Where am I unintentionally losing time to idle absent-mindedness?
Any tips would be greatly received.
2. Time: Non-linear
How a nonlinear workday might help us get more done.
3. Time: Blocking productivity
Stay with me. This is just for fun and the antithesis of what I’ve just written above. A browser extension for blocking any website that makes you productive.
4. Stoicism
I’ve read and learnt a lot from Stoic philosophy over the last few years and enjoyed Ryan Holiday’s recent article Eleven important things a Stoic is thinking about in 2023.