On my mind this week, 02 October 22

Five things that I've been thinking about this week.

1. Diaries

I’m not normally one for diaries, but reading a tweet from Austin Kleon highlighting a page containing beautiful illustrations within the late Alan Rickman’s diaries lead me to this article.  If the book contains more of Rickman’s illustrations, then it may be worth a read.


2. Space

Seeing NASA crash their Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) into an asteroid in real time was pretty awesome.  Pointless? Maybe, maybe not, only time will tell.


3. Photography

Photography and mental health, sparked by this article from the United Nations of Photography, I ventured onto the Fragmentary organisation. A collection of projects from photographers capturing or dealing with mental health issues. John Mannell’s story stood out to me, but I’ll explore more on this site.


4. Blurred images

Abstraction in photography. There’s an obsession with sharpness within images, and I’ve been guilty of chasing this. However, this week I’ve been reawakened to the beauty within the blur – discovering images by photographers such as Alina Ilarion, Morten Gjerde and Phil Penman.


5. Failures

Failure of ideas and projects, who’s measuring and are failures really failures or did they just not turn out how I expected? Triggered by reflection and talked about so elegantly by Jeffery Saddoris and Sean Tucker on their Deep Natter podcast.

Latest thoughts

Judging books by their covers… January 2025

It’s been a while since I compiled a selection of publication covers that caught my eye. Now that we’re into 2025, I feel that it might be a good time to restart the habit. My love for cover designs goes back to my college days and years in publishing. I haven’t designed a commercial publication cover for quite a while, and I’d like to change that this year.

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