Do/Pause Workshop

Do Pause book cover
Last year I attended the one day Do Pause workshop and it has proved to be one of the most valuable events I've ever attended and Robert Poynton is a superb facilitator. The day left me with a whole host of practical things I could put into practice straight away, along with deeper things to take away to think about. Over the year since the workshop, I've been practising many of the lessons learned, introducing different pauses, all of which I've felt has provided me with a slower, more thoughtful way to see things.
The small group of individuals I shared the day with were interesting and everyone was extremely supportive of one another. Subsequently, we’ve occasionally met up to discuss how we’ve been getting on and discuss the things we’ve learned. 
Robert is running the Do Pause Online Workshop again on Thursday 22nd October 2021.
I can’t recommend this workshop and Robert’s book enough, especially if you think that you’re too busy to take a day out. If you’d like a taste of what Do Pause is all about watch this video of Robert’s Do Talk or you can read my review of the Do Pause book.

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