Hiut Denim started life in 2012 with Clare and David Hieatt in their hometown of Cardigan in west Wales. They had a clear purpose: to ‘get the town making jeans again’. They did it and still do. The jeans they make are superb quality and handmade—each pair signed by the grand master who made them.
Each year since 2017, Hiut Denim has produced a yearbook which provides an insight into their world. Each has a theme running through it. This year was based on a series of 100 experiments. Sourced via the community and delivering ideas, insights and a different way of thinking.
The writing is interlaced with beautiful illustrations and photography. While it would be easy to say it’s a beautiful coffee table publication, that would miss the point. Yes, I enjoy randomly flicking through these yearbooks for visual inspiration, but dig deeper into the text, and there are always wonderful things to learn.