Judging books by their covers… February 2024

Book and magazine cover designs are an essential aspect of the publishing industry. They are usually the first thing that catches a reader's eye, and often, can make or break a book's success. A great cover design not only reflects the content of the book or magazine but also appeals to the target audience.

Only a small collection of covers from this month. As I write this intro, I notice there appears to be a yellow theme running through these book covers. While unintentional, maybe it’s influenced by the onset of spring.

Have you seen any covers recently that have inspired you?

This month’s list includes

Conan Doyal for the Defence, Margalit Fox. Cover Design by Nathan Burton.

The Eagle and the Cockerel, Alan Rhode. Cover Design by Nathan Burton.

Encounters and Destinies, Stefan Zweig. Cover Design by Nathan Burton.

Graphic Life, Michael Gericke.

Knife, Salman Rushdie. Designed by Arsh Raziuddin. Art direction by Greg Mollica.

Middlemarch, George Eliot. Illustrated by Jessica Hische.

Moonglow, Michael Chabon. Designed by Adalis Martinez.

Trust, Hernan Diaz. Designed by Katie Tooke.


To read my thoughts on books I have read, head over to my Reading List.

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