Category: Daily pages

Kitchen drawer Tetris and Stuffers

Stuffing frustrates me. Not the kind that accompanies a roast dinner, I appreciate that kind and can devour it quite easily. No, it’s the other kind of stuffing that really irks me.

Appreciating our garden

Gardens are wonderful spaces, like ini parks. No matter what size they are, it’s a privilege to have an outside space that I’ve come to appreciate so much more over the course of the current pandemic the world is facing.

Back to work, or not…

Today should be the first working day of the year after the Christmas break, but not this year. I’ve taken an extra week off and it feels good, even if I haven’t had it yet.

What’s all the fuss about New Year?

I’ve never been one to get excited about New Year. Maybe it has something to do with the first time I was allowed to stay up to ‘see the new year in’. I was about 8 years old and it was, in my recollection, my first experience of an anticlimax.

Four seats, the places that I sit

Looking back over the past year, I’ve come to realise that there are four key places I sit in our house. Each one serves a different purpose and provides a different service.